
Wiki Article

Excuse me! What's new, I'm Beatriz, and I am glad you found your way to my little online home. You might be wondering what distinguishes my webpage from millions of others. To begin, I must mention that I love bad films and can quote the entire script of "The Shining." I also love science fiction and will often be found with my nose in a book on space travel or the future. When I am not reading, you might find me playing video games and fighting dragons. To sum up, I am simply a fairly cool guy that has a lot to offer and who, perhaps, will have you coming back for more. Movie reviews by Decker Shado Hi, and thank you for visiting! I will be seeing you again.

viewing films

Nonsensical Nonsense
Famous films from the 1980s
At Funhouse Farm, it's Fright Night
Classic Movies Always
Cult Films to See
Beautiful Halloween
Movies from space

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